When do you meet? What is the daily schedule?

FKC Meets every Tuesday from 10-2:30
Welcome- Announcements
Block 1
Lunch & Recess
Block 2
Block 3

How Involved Do I have to be as a mom?

FKC cannot properly operate without all families being fully hands on and engaged! We require all Moms or Dads to lead teach at least one class per semester, volunteer for one position within our group and be willing to "jump in" as needed. You are required to attend each week with your children. 

Do you offer Drop-Off services?

We do not. FKC is a parent run and operated co-op. Without each parent engaged, we cannot run smoothly. 

I'm not a Christian - Can I join your co-op?

Yes! Any family who is willing to respect our beliefs and fulfill the responsibilities in our handbook may apply to join the co-op.

What are student Expectations?

Great question! All answers can be found in our handbook! Click Here to view our updated handbook!

Does FKC run background checks?

Yes. In order to attend our co-op, any adult that will be working with the children has to submit a background check form to a member of our leadership team PRIOR to the start of each school year. The safety of any student attending FKC is our top priority!